Compare the attitudes to poverty conveyed in the films you have studied for this topic. [35]
Within the film La Haine we see how poverty is portrayed as aggression and violence with animalistic references appearing multiple times throughout the film. An example of this is when Said and Hubert are arrested and interrogated in the police station. We see a long shot of the two stood in a police cell. The mise en scene of this shot is that it looks like they are caged animals. This is shot using a eye line angle to make it almost a Point of view shot like you are watching a documentary about these characters. The significance of this is that it gives this a realistic feel, showing how the brutality of the authorities is almost an everyday thing. This is shown also in the interrogation scene when the two offerers have then chained up to the chairs and are grabbing them by the necks. This shows how people who have been brought up in poverty are looked down upon by others in society and by the authorities within France.
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